Monday, May 16, 2011

Manure is here

Sunday morning, we had a load of four-year-old horse manure delivered to the garden. It's in what will become the communal corn plot on the right. According to the family that dropped it off, there's plenty more if we need it, so please go ahead and use it. If it runs out, we'll make arrangements to get more.
Do be careful - there are some vine roots and stuff mixed in which could be poison ivy/oak. If you see roots, please take care to toss them out of the garden using gloves or a shovel.

A note or two on the fence and the gate. Please check along the base of the plastic mesh fence bordering your plot to make sure it's secure. I tried to get everywhere, but a second set of  eyes doesn't hurt.
The gates are up. Let me know if there is a problem with them.

Saw some people are starting to get planting. Hoping the weather clears so we can all do the same.


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