Thursday, May 29, 2014

Progress is progress! Some start-up reading.

Some more start-up news and a new map! Two new members signed up in the last few days. If you know anyone who is interested in signing up for a plot, there is still space! Please let us know.

For your reference, here's a map of the Flerra Garden. The garden is near the entrance to Flerra Field, immediately to the left. There is a path through a small patch of woods to the garden. Parking is important. Please try to park on the garden side, by the side of the road but not on the grass. Your attention is appreciated!

Some reminders:

Please read the rules and regulations. The rules and regs may have some twists and turns in them; keep in mind they were carefully crafted when the garden was started to keep the garden organic, orderly and to make sure it blends in with our surroundings. If rules are not followed, chances are good we will get a complaint. This makes us sad. We dread having to be "the heavy." So keep in mind, rules are usually good. But if you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask us.

Be careful with invasive plants: There is a great deal of literature on the Web about invasive plants and why it's important not to encourage them. We are gardening in a meadow, and we want to preserve the original grasses there. Plants like mint or pansies, that are perennial and/or will spread, should not be planted directly in the garden earth (if they are in a pot, that's OK).

Be thoughtful about pollination: If both you and your neighbor are planting tomatoes (or other flowering plants), please don't plant yours directly adjacent to them, to cut down on the risk of cross-pollination.

Be sure to leave space for your neighbors: We are always surprised every year when that cute little baby squash plant turns into a giant, gaping four-foot wide monster. Every year. Be sure to read the guidance on your plants, and plan accordingly.

About corn: We will most likely be planting corn in a communal space (in assigned rows). Everyone will have the opportunity to have a row or two -- and it works great because corn grows better in larger plantings. If you want to plant corn in your plot you can, but please only use butter-and-sugar varieties -- corn pollen gets airborne easily and can contaminate other plants, so we select one variety only. No ornamental corn, please.

Don't discard things over the fence: When you pull weeds, remove them to the compost heap, on the left side of the path as it re-enters the woods. Rocks go just inside the woods on the right side, so others can find them and use them if needed.

Keep it clean: Leave your plot neat and clean. Take all your equipment home. Put any communal tools back. Pull your weeds so bugs have no hiding spots -- this is vital for you and for your neighbors, too.

Have fun!! Don't worry: We don't hover like this all season. We're just getting started, so we need to make sure everyone's oriented and knows what to do. So don't worry, it really is all about fun. :) We like it here and we want you to like it too!

Last but not least, here's the latest garden map!

Share! Share your stuff, share your thoughts, share your ideas!

Comments are enabled on this blog.

Here's a spot for you to leave comments about sharing stuff. 

If you have extra squash plants -- share! 

Extra bean seeds? Share!

If you needs some gardening supplies but not the whole package, ask if someone wants to go in on the purchase with you.

Get the idea?

Anyway -- you may need to actually go to the blog (and not the RSS email) to see the comments. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Opening weekend

The garden is open! I've just sent an email out to gardeners who've signed up and registered, with a map of the plots. The garden is twice-tilled, fenced and laid out.

If you're behind the curve and still want to sign up, never fear. You're still welcome, as long as there's space. We just got an email from a new arrival who might want a big plot, so don't wait too long. But as of today, we are about 60% full, with four 20x20 plots still open. 

The pump is installed, but we're not sure it's primed yet. And we are still arranging delivery of our composted manure. Jesse brought over the garden cart and watering cans today. If you happen to see some good tools at a yard sale this summer and want to donate them to the garden, please let us know. We'll watch over them.

In case it's helpful, here's a link to the Gardener's online garden planner. Very useful if you're headed out to buy some seedlings!