Wednesday, April 27, 2011

List of final gardeners?

We got an e-mail from Elizabeth Hughes, Boxborough Town Planner with the final list of gardeners today -- eight of us, which sounds like a nice group, some newcomers, and some returnees! (It doesn't have to be final -- see below!)

No definite news yet on the plowing -- I know some of us want to get started, to get some early gems out of there (and also, for the joy of racing out after the evening weather forecast to put paper bags over the baby plants during an overnight frost).

Jesse wants to plant Kale and Collards right away, speaking of frost. If harvested after a frost, they are supposed to be especially sweet. 

But the plowing (by our generous benefactor!) is supposed to be happening right around now -- so hopefully, news will come soon, and we'll be unleashed!

After the plowing, I will be sending soil samples away to get them analyzed, so we have some extra information about what we might want to add to the soil ourselves. I'm expecting that we'll be able to get composted manure again without any problem.

I am a newbie organic gardener, BTW, and excited to learn. If you have any resources, wisdom, or questions, please share them.

If you're still on the fence -- or know someone who is -- please don't hesitate to sign up. We'll accept late comers any old time, space isn't an issue (within reason).

Tiny leaves are emerging on my maple trees today ... ahh, bliss!! The gray rainy morning turned into a gorgeous day. Here's to many more!

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