Some notes:
We have planted a pair of pumpkin plants in the final plot on the street side opposite the entrance. They were pretty sketchy to start, but seem to be picking up steam. The goal is to have everyone contribute to the upkeep [watering - pumpkins are thirsty] and in October, take home a jack 'o lantern for Halloween.
Some people have planted mint in their plots. Mint will take over the universe if allowed to roam. Please keep it contained in its bed - or better yet, a pot - and please be sure it gets taken up in October.Mint is most aggressive, but this post holds true for any perennial. Thanks!
Please don't toss pulled weeds over the fence into the field. There's a waste pile to the left of the entrance path where we try to compost stuff. Right now, there's a huge heap of stuff from the corn plots.Tools
Time and wear has ended the career of the few tools we had access to. If anyone has old, unused garden tools OR if they see them at a yard sale and feel altruistic, we'd love the donations.Deer
We had our first documented deer invasion this week. We added some height to part of the back fence and spread repellant. So far, that's slowed Bambi, but deer are persistent. If anyone sees evidence of further invasions [hoof prints, gnawed plants, droppings], please let us know and we'll add more fence. Thanks.